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Catia Minardi

The Durham Family Court Clinic offers The Violence Prevention Program (VPP) which is a free service designed to promote a change in attitudes and beliefs regarding violence and bullying through interactive school based workshops and presentations for students attending Durham Region schools.

Topics Include:

  • Anger Management

  • Anti-Bullying

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Dating Violence/Healthy Relationships

  • Youth Gang Awareness

  • Anti-Homophobia

  • Internet Safety

  • Anti-Racism

  • Self-Esteem

  • Sexual Harassment

Our school community invited VPP facilitators to facilitate the following 2 programs when some of the students in our school believed that it was imperative to address healthy and unhealthy relationships. After the presentation students felt an increased sense of empowerment which led them to develop meaningful relationships based on a foundation of mutual respect for human dignity.

Dating Violence & Healthy Relationships: This 2-part workshop uses an interactive approach to encourage discussion on the varied relationships that we have with others. The goals of this workshop are to empower young people to recognize what a “healthy” and “unhealthy” relationship LOOKS like and FEELS like, and to provide them with some of the tools they need to make healthier choices. * This workshop contains sensitive information and may be triggering for some students.

Sexual Harassment: By defining Sexual Harassment and discussing the where, the how, and the who, students are encouraged to become more aware of the actions and words we may use on an everyday basis and the impact they may have on others. The goal is to empower the students to recognize, prevent and disclose harassment whenever and however it takes place.

“Listening to student voice and choice empowers students as change agents, when they work in partnership with adult educators. When students have voice, they are three times more likely to have self-worth. They are five times more likely to be engaged in learning and they are five times more likely to have a sense of purpose."


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